1/1000th of a Dunam, 2021

1/1000th of a Dunam is a multimedia exhibition exploring Palestinian assertions of belonging through the site of soil—an epistemic space where land and belonging are imagined, when in reality they have been denied. Displaced peoples often collect and cherish soils from their lands of origin, and this practice embodies a knowledge explored in this project. All the soil used was collected in Palestine, symbolizing memory and taking on new meaning as it travels from one occupied land to another. 

1/1000th of a Dunam is a testament to the collaborative nature of belonging to particular lands under settler-colonialism, but this small collection of land is also incomplete, problematic, and demanding more. Contradictions are embraced as the viewer is invited to consider notions of land and its multidimensional significance for the colonized everywhere.

Images: Rana Nazzal Hamadeh: 1/1000th of a Dunam (installation view), 2021 © James Morley, Ryerson Image Centre